Orientación vocacional y profesional en el proyecto de vida de estudiantes con riesgo escolar





Orientación, vocación, profesional, proyecto de vida, riesgo escolar


The study is based on the theories of Donald Super, Edward Deci and Richard Ryan, which provide a comprehensive framework to understand how vocational guidance affects the life project of students. The objective was to determine the impact of vocational guidance on the life project of students at school risk. The non-experimental design, correlational level with a quantitative approach was used as a methodology. The sample was 90 tenth year students of basic general education. Two surveys were applied that presented validity and reliability. Among the most relevant results, it was found that 70% of the students are at the low level of vocational and professional orientation and 72.22% are at the low level of development of their life project. It was also shown that 66. 67% of the students show low vocational and professional orientation, as well as their life project. It was concluded that there is a significant positive correlation between the vocational and professional orientation of the students and the development of their life projects (Spearman's Rho of 0.912 and significance of 0.000).


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How to Cite

Campos Campos, J. J. ., Villamar Acosta, J. de los Ángeles, & Rumbaut Rangel, D. . (2024). Orientación vocacional y profesional en el proyecto de vida de estudiantes con riesgo escolar. Revista Científica Y Tecnológica VICTEC, 5(9), 173–190. https://doi.org/10.61395/victec.v5i9.179