Inteligencias Múltiples en los estudiantes de Educación Básica Media, de la Escuela Guaranda cantón Pujilí-Cotopaxi




Intelligence; teaching; education; learning.


The study of multiple intelligences within the educational field is important, because it helps students enhance those intelligences that predominate or put into practice others that benefit their integral development. This study aims to determine the level of presence of multiple intelligences in the Middle Basic Education students of the “Guaranda” School in Pujilí canton, in the 2020–2021 academic period. The methodology is framed in the quantitative paradigm, descriptive level and quasi-experimental design, through the application of the Multiple Intelligences Questionnaire for Mackenzie (1999), adapted by Lobo (2011), with the participation of three teachers and 39 fifth grade students, sixth and seventh year. From this, a teaching guide was generated to promote the development of multiple intelligences in students and after its implementation it was found that motivation, their participation in the educational process, their self-esteem and academic performance improved, which significantly benefited to the learners.


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How to Cite

Sandoval Cárdenas, D. M. (2023). Inteligencias Múltiples en los estudiantes de Educación Básica Media, de la Escuela Guaranda cantón Pujilí-Cotopaxi. Revista Científica Y Tecnológica VICTEC, 4(7), 142–151.