Factors that influence the purchasing decision of customers in commercial microenterprises in the canton of La Maná





Chaid, micro-enterprises, purchasing factors, consumers.


The study on factors that influence the purchase decision in microenterprises in the canton of La Maná focuses on building a decision tree using variables such as marital status, age, promotion, employment, training and quality. The method used is CHAID (Chi-squared Automated Interaction Detection) and 357 people were surveyed. The results revealed that the majority buyers are married over 55 years of age with a high school education, reaching 100% of buyers. In second place are married people under the age of 35, where approximately 89% are buyers. Women with a university education have a decrease in the percentage of buyers, reaching 19%. These findings confirm the importance of marital status, age, and education in purchasing decision-making. It is recommended to focus marketing and promotion strategies towards groups of married people considering age and gender to attract more customers and increase sales.


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How to Cite

Vega Cedeño, A. M. ., & Martínez Ortiz, F. X. . (2024). Factors that influence the purchasing decision of customers in commercial microenterprises in the canton of La Maná. Revista Científica Y Tecnológica VICTEC, 5(9), 74–87. https://doi.org/10.61395/victec.v5i9.170