Análisis del comportamiento de la estructura de capital y su relación con el riesgo-rendimiento de la industria de la construcción del segmento Pymes




Estructura de capital, riesgo, rendimiento, financiamiento.


The article addresses the capital structure and the risk-return function, in the construction sector of the Pymes segment of Guayas, whose objective is to analyze the behavior of the capital structure and its relationship with the risk-return function, it was found In the theories, emphasis on the capital structure of the company is very important for efficient financial administration; A descriptive methodology was applied to analyze the behavior of the structure in the objective population and measure the relationship between risk and performance, using surveys to collect empirical information and documentary analysis to evaluate objective information from the financial statements; results that indicate that the largest number of companies are financed with loans and with reinvestment of profits, a small part with informal loans; And regarding risk and return in the case of informal loans, respondents indicated that the risk assumed is not compensated by the expected return; Finally, a generalized conclusion was reached that companies in this sector are aware of the risk levels of each source of financing, however they do not measure the compensation of risk with performance.


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How to Cite

Bravo Bravo, Ángel O. ., Chagerben Salinas, L. E. ., Apolinario Zatizabal, O. D. ., & Duran Salazar, G. M. . (2024). Análisis del comportamiento de la estructura de capital y su relación con el riesgo-rendimiento de la industria de la construcción del segmento Pymes. Revista Científica Y Tecnológica VICTEC, 5(9), 138–153.