Reformas educativas y su efecto en los resultados de aprendizaje: Una comparativa internacional




educational reforms; learning outcomes; impact; equity; context


This article aims to analyze the impact of educational reforms on learning outcomes internationally. The methodology included the systematic review of studies published between 2020 and 2023 in academic databases, selecting research that addressed the issue of educational reforms and their effect on academic performance. The main results revealed the diversity of factors that influence the effectiveness of the reforms, highlighting the importance of school autonomy, teacher training, school infrastructure and equity in access to education. It was evident that successful education reforms are contextualized and that equity in the education system is crucial to ensure equitable and quality learning outcomes. Adaptation to local realities, continuous evaluation and promotion of inclusion emerge as key elements for the success of educational reforms. In summary, this study highlights the complexity and the need to consider multiple factors when implementing educational reforms to improve learning outcomes internationally.


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How to Cite

Espinosa-Cevallos, P. A. . (2024). Reformas educativas y su efecto en los resultados de aprendizaje: Una comparativa internacional. Revista Científica Y Tecnológica VICTEC, 5(9), 111–119.